Character Motivation + Expectancy Component & Self Efficacy

Prompt: In this week's blog posting, you should explain how your character's motivation aligns with the expectancy component, particularly focusing on self-efficacy. June Osborne’s motivation aligns with the expectancy component in that she is willing to endure anything to preserve the chance that she will see her daughter again. Throughout the series, as the likelihood of this declines, her motivation shifts from expectancy towards reunification to a desire for revenge. Self efficacy played into this shift in that June believed in her ability to find her daughter. The loss of motivation only happens when she sees that her daughter doesn’t recognize her anymore and has been indoctrinated to see those like her as the enemy. Throughout the series, June’s friends tend to display a growth mindset about their circumstances, while June is more rigid. Her fixed mindset and dedication to revenge at any cost set her back many times within the later seasons.


  1. Interesting. June does seem to have self-efficacy for obtaining revenge.


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